End of the week It is Friday

Good Morning everyone:
Well, last night I went to bed late like at almost 3:00 AM and was up today at 6:30 AM so much for a good nights rest and of all things woke up with laryngitis so now everyone here can talk to me and I am not able to talk back which really really sucks darn It anyway oh well what ever I will just have to deal with It..so It looks like a real nice day out there but will stay In till the sun goes down as I get heat and sunstroke In a big way but right across the way there is a walk In clinic and guess I will have to go to It this morning hopefully to get something for what I have my tonsils are killing me and feel like they are swollen as well, other than that I feel just fine.
So yesterday I finally got my stuff from Stratford Career Institute so I will be putting pen to paper today and spending most,  If not the whole day studying my course material and doing the bleach thing on my floors again as I did not finish It up last night which, chances are will take me the whole day as I want to make sure It gets done right and Its good excercise anyway.
Just a quick note to all my friends because I am unable to talk right now If I owe you a phone call please just bare with me I am not sure when I will be able to return any calls alternatively you can email me and will be able to correspond that way for the time being.
So take care my dear friends and have a great weekend

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. shawna
    Jun 29, 2009 @ 18:51:43

    sorry to hear that you can\’t talk i just wish that , that would of happened when we were kids then maybe i could of got a word in once in a while!!!!! ha ha ha just kidding hope your feeling better soon

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