Another day

Hello my fellow bloggers and followers:

It has been a while since I have written an entry on my blog, many things have happened since my last writing.

Unfortunately I do not have easy access to a computer today this would be why my writings have become less, I have been very depressed lately and seems that since I have moved out of Colin’s and into my own apartment which I am happy about however, it has become very difficult to make ends meet, still not having a couch in my living room to sit on no area rug and barely making ends meet with my food supply and electric bill.

Since March 2013 when my physiotherapy began I have had to go on  public assistance which pays me $757.00/month my rent is $850.00 and unemployment was paying me $119.00 per week so you can see how much of a struggle this has become for me.

Due to the issues with past room-mates I refuse to move in with any others and Colin’s place (my former room-mate) that is not an option whatsoever due to hygiene issues and many other things. I will be looking into getting some form of a financial settlement from the city transit department due to their negligence earlier this year that put me in physiotherapy to begin with.

I will be writing in my blog again very soon with updates.

Take care my friends